Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books – Rose Rosetree

Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment® Books. Let’s lead off with an aura photo of Rose, right before doing a Skilled Empath Merge.
Incidentally, at the bottom of this article you’ll see an aura picture taken minutes later. When Rose Rosetree was doing a Skilled Empath Merge with the semi-precious stone called malachite.
If you’re among the 1 in 20 people born as an empath, today’s article can help you a LOT.
And even you non-empaths can learn some pretty surprising info about publishing today. Definitely, SURPRISING info.
You see, it isn’t humanly possible for me to keep up with all the latest news about my system of Empath Empowerment®. I don’t want you to wait, so learn the gist today. Just keep reading.
And might I recommend? Please share this article with anybody you know who’s an empath.
First, What Inspired Today’s Article
Blog-Buddies, first of all, I’m going to share something so unexpected and lovely. It’s the most recent review of the first book in my series for empaths: Empath Empowerment in 30 Days.
Maybe you read this how-to years ago. Maybe you’ve never read it. Either way, could you use some fresh inspiration right now? Inspiration on how much folks can learn from books, and also a reminder of how much the system of Empath Empowerment® can deliver.
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #1.
Brand new and so thoughtful, here is JOHN’s book review on Amazon. Also, here is a version of JOHN’s book review on Goodreads.
FIVE STARS I am a brave explorer
To say that Rose’s Empath Empowerment in 30 Days is the most life changing book that I have ever read would not be an overstatement.
From the very beginning her witty, funny, caring, and helpful words touched my heart in a way no other author ever has.
I love that she calls us “brave explorers” throughout the book as I have always loved exploration, yet I never considered how brave it is to be one. She made me feel smart, strong, and capable when things were difficult.
I am no longer an unskilled empath and my life is so much better now. I have a lifetime of exploration and learning to do to continue to grow and improve my skills, but in thirty days Rose taught me how to protect myself from negative energy and how to live a better and happier life. Thank you so much, and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #2.
It’s a Challenge, Communicating All Our Innovations
Realizing that there are so many innovations in the field of Energy Spirituality®, whew! I’m going to use today’s blogpost to help you readers catch up on one of our under-communicated but useful Aha!s.
Hint: At issue is how much there is to communicate yesterday. When all the specialties of Energy Spirituality® are growing so fast, including the system of Empath Empowerment®.
You see, Blog-Buddies, it was a wake-up call to me when JOHN, our enthusiastic reviewer of Book 1 in this series, told me this: Now he is reading Book 3 in that series.
That’s good. But it’s also not great. Count along with me, folks. JOHN has gone from:
His Good. But, in a Way, My Bad
I’ll explain, trust me here. Overall, this author-blogger-indie publisher-teacher-and-Founder of Energy Spirituality has this weird problem.
It’s a problem with all my clocks and watches. Only 24 hours each day? Is it just me???
Let’s see how this slight mixup with choosing JOHN’S follow-up book, Book 2 . . . came to happen. Details may be of interest to anybody who wonders about my fancy life as a publisher. Have you ever wondered, given the non-stop innovations of Energy Spirituality, how can Rose Rosetree possibly keep up with it all?
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #3. ALERT!
Inside Info. Never Published Anywhere Before!
How did I come to publish The Empowered Empath: Quick & Easy?
This publishing was a unique experiment. The backstory begins with how I followed up Book 1 in the series for empaths. For several years, I wrote (what eventually became) Book 3.
That more advanced book contains a great deal of advanced help for empaths. Included are instructions and explanations with everything an empath needs to know to benefit from the system of Empath Empowerment.
So much useful info beyond what appeared in Book 1!
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #4.
What Had Changed for Most Book Readers by 2015?
Skim reading had begun. Even my style as a blogger was changing. Emphasizing shorter sentences with a more aggressive punch. (Technically “sentence fragments,” but what the heck?)
Not only was I recognizing the change. So was Maryanne Wolf, premier neuroscientist specializing in reading. Around this time she was, no doubt, in the throes of publishing Reader, Come Home — in 2019.
As you may know, Blog-Buddies, I cocreate all Energy Spirituality writing with the Divine. And if you think that Ascended Masters like Jesus and Merlin don’t notice major shifts like the onset of “skim reading” and a hurry-hurry-impatience among most readers? Ha! Of course they do.
In consciousness, cocreating the three remaining Empath Empowerment Books, did I get the memo? Definitely.
I Was Recognizing Changes to Collective Consciousness
I knew. Somehow, I just knew, that many readers would prefer a transitional book after Book 1. Something shorter and punchier. Compared to Book 1 and also much shorter than the comprehensive, advanced knowledge in Book 3. That’s the book with the subtitle of Owning, Embracing and Managing Your Special Gifts.
Recognizing the demand for fast-fast-fast, I began a wild literary experiment: Publishing The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy.
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #5.
Friendly Debate Began Here at Publishing Headquarters
From Rose: I have this feeling. I’ve got to offer a simpler-and-shorter advanced book for empaths.
From My Best Friend: That’s ridiculous! Who would want such a thing?”
From Rose: Listen, these books are print-on-demand. It’s not like the old days, when I’d order a minimum of 2,000 paperbacks as hard copies. Let’s live juicy! Let’s experiment and see what happens!
So that was that.
Blog-Buddies, can you guess what happened next? COMMENT before you read further. More fun for us!
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #6.
That Bold Improv Was Published for My Readers
Yes, the bold improv experiment began. Altogether this is the series I wound up publishing, and how I introduced it:
Well, that seemed to be that. Readers could choose to read the more sophisticated book. Or else they might prefer the closest thing I’ve published . . . to a Dummies book.
Choose EITHER Book 2 OR Book 3 of the series. There it was — and still is — in print.
Only now I know better. Soon you will too, Blog-Buddies.
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #7.
How I Came to Understand the True Appeal of “Quick”
After a year or two, understanding dawned upon me. I realized the ideal sequence would be exactly the following. Why ideal? Keep reading and you’ll find out why:
Rose Rosetree’s Empath Empowerment Series of Books — For Best Results

Book 1 in this Empath Empowerment Book Series is recommended as THE best book for empaths, and worth rereading later as well. The approach is reader-friendly, empath friendly.
Book 1: Empath Empowerment in 30 Days
Coming first in the series, this how-to book establishes essential understandings for empaths. One day at a time, each reader strengthens a personal sense of self.
It could even be useful to reread Book 1 every year or so, due to the built-in layers of understanding available. When combined with your developing experience as a Skilled Empath, you can establish an even stronger sense of self. This can greatly accelerate your personal development toward using your full potential in life.

This Quick & Easy book for empaths works great as a stepping up resource. Helping you to mobilize what’s in Book 1 of the series and then preparing you for the depth experience of Book 3.
Book 2: The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy
Because you’ve ideally begun with Book 1, QUICK helps you to build upon your emerging sense of self. This how-to instructs you in ways to do this with your spiritual consciousness — your built-in connection to God. The sequence of instruction allows you to use consciousness to expand your sense of self as an empath.
Worth noting, QUICK takes you far beyond any other “empath expert” books. Because they don’t understand how to help empaths to wake up their consciousness and, thus, become Skilled Empath. (Yes, that’s a big statement. More on that later, in our Part 2 of this series.)

Such a wealth of knowledge can be yours when you first read Book 1, then Book 2, and now you read this Book 3 of the Empath Empowerment Books! Mind-blowing discoveries await you.
Book 3: The Empowered Empath: Owning, Embracing and Managing Your Special Gifts. (Sometimes called The Expanded Edition.)
Now, readers can build upon their foundational understandings from Books 1 and 2 of the series. You can take those empath’s understandings much further.
Turns out, the sketched-out learning in Book 2 provides a new foundation, one for advanced learning. Then, Book 3 will take that learning much further.

Best of all — by far! The only catch is that you must EARN the ability to benefit from “The Master Empath” . . . because you’ve diligently read Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3 of this series of Empath Empowerment Books. Of course, every step of learning helps you to evolve so much, both spiritually and humanly.
Plus, Book 4: The Master Empath: Turning on Your Empath Gifts at Will — In Love, Business and Friendship
(Includes Training in Skilled Empath Merge)
Lo and behold! This how-to shows any Skilled Empath how to do Skilled Empath Merge.
Important to know: Doing Skilled Empath Merge is separate from living as a Skilled Empath. Optional! Yet learning this amazing skill will jet-propel your spiritual evolution and emotional growth. Empaths do this privately, just for their own amazing personal journey.
To be clear, this book does not qualify you to hang out your shingle as someone who offers Skilled Empath Merges to clients. First things first: Grow in this way. Later, if you like, discuss with me how to become an Energy Spirituality practitioner.
Now you have the big picture, folks. The ideal sequence for training as a Skilled Empath. COMMENT below and ask if you’d like me to tell you more about how advanced empath learning unfolds. Ask, just ask!
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #8.
Making My Compromise with REALITY
Here’s my official announcement. Officially decided as of Jan. 20, 2025: I am not going to redo those Books 2 and 3, in order to take out those little bits that need changing. Regarding how Book 2 comes second and Book 3 comes third.
Not only is knowledge expanding, within Energy Spirituality. New books are coming through the pipeline. Like a couple of books I’ve been working on for more than two years.
- Have you ever been pregnant for 12 months?
- No? Well, have you ever been really, really constipated?
- Ugh, you get the idea.
Which would you do? Perfectionistically tweak the two books I’ve already published?
What if, meanwhile, that publishing pipeline bursts? (In some sense, that pipeline is a part of me, you know.)
My Pragmatic Version of Updating Goes Like This
Best I can do, folks!
- I’m publishing this blogpost for all you readers here.
- I’ll put a link to this article on the detail page for Empowered Empath QUICK
- Also, I’ll put a link to this article on the detail page for Empowered Empath EXPANDED EDITION.
- As a result, my author’s pipeline won’t explode. Since I can continue working in this leading-edge field of Energy Spirituality. Including publishing our latest books. Also publishing revised editions of older books with substantive changes.
As compromises go, this is not perfect. But, at least it’s expedient.
Sure, Blog-Buddies, COMMENT away with any questions you might have about this.
Of ultimate importance to me, this practical compromise does not count as a breach of integrity. No deception is happening. Which matters enormously, considering our next topic.
Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books #9.
Integrity Perspective on Many Empath Experts
Fact is, with writings for empaths, the best isn’t always the best known.
For example, many empath “experts” today . . . claim to teach “Empath Empowerment.” That may seem impressive but what does this really mean? For starters, they’re infringing on my trademark. And that’s just one of the integrity problems. And the effectiveness problems.
Most books sold to empaths today — well, they deserve their own follow-up article here. Expect to find it soon, our Part 2.
As a preview: All our Empath Empowerment® Books use skills that involve CONSCIOUSNESS. Accept no substitute, readers, because alternative methods mostly generate busywork for empaths. This can feel good. However, unless books for us empaths teach effective skills that impact consciousness, guess what? Sad to say, in my opinion, these books for empaths can’t turn any suffering empath into a Skilled Empath.
Rather, these authors are giving suffering empaths an interesting side trip.
Finally, About Sales of Empath Empowerment Books #10.
Whoever Would Have Guessed that QUICK would become my most popular book for empaths?
Outrageously or not, QUICK — Book 2 — has become by far the most popular of all four Empath Empowerment books.
- Followed by Book 3.
- Followed by Book 4.
- And finally, followed (sales-wise) by Book 1.
Not the smartest way to go imo. But for people in a big hurry, who may not care much about getting the best results. Hey, I get it. This way they can brag, “I’ve done it. Now I can learn something else to improve my busy-busy life.”
Might I suggest? Folks, it’s never too late to read Book 1 in the series. Then read the rest in the order that goes with the remaining names of Book 2, Book 3, and Book 4.
Hey, this series of Empath Empowerment books will help you most if you go in order: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4. Not that I knew this in 2015, but I sure know that now. You can benefit from what is current 10 years later, in 2025 and beyond.
Here’s my final question for you today, readers of this article: If you’re going to trust America’s most experienced Empath Coach and read one or more of her books, hmm. Might it make sense to start with the book she recommends to you as THE book to read first? Etc. COMMENT away. Educate me.
And quoting JOHN’S magnificent review one more time:
I love that she calls us “brave explorers” throughout the book as I have always loved exploration, yet I never considered how brave it is to be one.
Yes, Brave Explorers who have learned real-deal Empath Empowermement®. Give yourself credit. I do.
In Conclusion
Thanks, everybody, for reading what has turned out to be Part 1 of a 2-Part article.
Here come some food for thought-type questions. Munch away, Blog-Buddies. Then share what you think.
Besides that type of COMMENT from you, ha! Since turnabout is fair play, feel free to ask any of the questions below to me, your friendly blogger.
#1. Which is your favorite blogpost for empaths at this Energy Spirituality Blog?
If you answer, please include the url. I’d appreciate it.
#2. Did you have a favorite part of JOHN’s book review of Empath Empowerment in 30 Days?
#3. Have YOU ever reviewed any of Rose Rosetree’s books? On Goodreads or at Or both??? Yes, you’re allowed to cut-and-paste, you know.
#4. Why are published book reviews the biggest favor you could do for any indie author? (Including this one.)
#5. What do you think of the idea that empaths are fragile, and have the right to demand special treatment from you? Such as a requirement that, if you’re a caring person, whenever around them you must walk on eggshells?
#6. Many “Empath Experts” aren’t empaths in the first place. (That is, they don’t have the auras of empaths.) Does that surprise you?
#7. How did I discover that many “Empath Experts” aren’t empaths in the first place? Any idea???
#8. Below, you’re invited to nominate empath bloggers. And empath authors. Just in case you’d like me to research briefly if each one is an empath or not. Interested?
#9. Is it true that one popular empath teacher mainly recommends that empaths blame “psychic vampires” and “energy vampires”? Does that make sense to you as a way of helping empaths???
#10. For those of you who have become Skilled Empaths, do you have a story to share? Please do. Bring on more inspiration!
Thanks for reading, everyone.

And yes, here’s an aura photo of Rose Rosetree while doing a Skilled Empath Merge with a piece of malachite. (Minutes after being photographed aura-wise as herself — the photo shown at the top of this blogpost.)
Of course, every time you facilitate Skilled Empath Merge, it changes you. Temporarily your aura changes. Longer-term, you gain more spiritual wisdom. Every. Single. Time.
On this year’s American holiday in honor of Martin Luther King — spiritual inspiration is so appropriate. As for certain political events that will take place on this January 20 following a presidential election, America’s traditional Inauguration Day? One way or another, each of us must find our own best inspiration.
Ongoing Comment Updates
At the end of each weekly blog post, such as this one, I will add a section called Ongoing Comment Updates.
I’ll list each blog post, in alphabetical order, and add a comment number that you can use to start reading our latest comments. Hooray!
There may be MANY comments at some of these articles. But all you’ll need is the first one, so you can start exploring the freshest archeological layer. Here goes.
5 Tips for Best Results from Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING
Additions start at Comment #272
Commenter: HENRY
Age of Awakening Enlightenment Versus Traditional Enlightenment
Additions start at Comment #535
Aura Reading Brittany Murphy
Additions start at Comment #15
Aura Reading Vegans. What’s Wrong with Vegan Diets?
Additions start at Comment #798
Commenter: CHRISTINE
Cassidy Hutchinson COURAGE Chakra Databanks
Additions start at Comment #242
Commenter: ADRIAN
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025 . New Reality Checks
Additions start at Comment #254
Courage Chakra Databanks
Additions start at Comment #25
Commenter: ROSE ROSETREE, Founder of Energy Spirituality; OSCAR MANUEL, ARIA
Dave Grohl Spiritual Loyalties
Additions start at Comment #615
Commenter: JOHN B
Enlightenment Teachers. Etiquette and Consumer Smart
Additions start at Comment #89
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams?
Additions start at Comment #118
New Age Energy Healing, CorruptedEnergy Spirituality
Additions start at Comment #
The Trump Hair Prison – Free Yourself
Additions start at Comment #76