Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up! – Rose Rosetree

Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up! Do you dare to read this astral expose?
Ever since childhood, you’ve been told that dreams are wonderful. Dreaming can make your wishes come true. (Supposedly)
But no, it’s unlikely that you been told what follows in this article.
And sure, COMMENT below with reactions and stories related to any of the following. You know how to comment here, right? As always, feel free to comment before you’ve finished the article and the comments that develop here. COMMENT at any time!
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #1.
What Happens from a Metaphysical Perspective
Regarding your dreams, literally speaking, let’s go one point at a time:
- Dreams are astral experiences. Everything that happens while you dream is happening at an Astral Vibrational Frequency.
- While you’re dreaming, your human body sleeps. You know, that body of yours designed as your vehicle for evolution while you’re incarnated here at Earth School.
- Whether you’re awake or asleep or dreaming . . . your physical body exists at a Human Vibrational Frequency. During sleep, the rest of your aura bodies — you have a complete set of them — they go play. Primarily, they play in the astral dreamworlds that become available to you.
- A silver cord connects all your energy bodies to your physical body. What if you must wake up suddenly? The process may feel herky-jerky. Why wouldn’t it? Your silver cord must pull in or slide in all the astral bodies that support your embodied existance: You’re putting yourself back together, with your human-and-very-physical body in charge.
- Which matters most in your current collection? That human one. Take your physical self for granted . . . only at your peril.
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #2
Dreams Feel Special Due to Being Astral
Astral, that’s all. Nothing especially to do with God!
Of course, experiences at Astral Vibrational Frequencies feel special. Mostly because, before this incarnation, you lived in a Heaven. Your home, back then. Vibrationally, that Heaven was an astral world — not Earth School as designed for us humans.
Note: There is one rather lovely exception for some of us. Ask about that, if you like, COMMENTING below.
Discarding any homesickness for heaven that you may still feel, on occasion:
But are ordinary human experiences, like walking down an ordinary street . . . are these experiences equally thrilling to older kids? Or adults? That depends on your consciousness lifestyle. Meaning, your current habits for positioning your consciousness. (As described in this article, published exactly one week ago.)
When you think about loving your human life, does your current attitude toward that seem weird or what? Inspire yourself right now by knowing that you can regain — or surpass — your childlike love of living on Earth. COMMENT below and share your thoughts. (Writing under a fictional first name might free you up. Go for it!)
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #3
So Basic!
Ordinary human life can seem so humdrum to us adults, so basic. Unless we’re wise.
Sadly, a certain disdain can deepen with each passing year. Akin to taking your mother for granted. As if her “big crime” is being human. (And so familiar.)
Astral experiences provide a delightful contrast to human living. But are most of these dreamlike experiences good for us? Apart from regular human dreaming, maybe not so great. Before we go into more detail, let’s pause here for your thoughts. COMMENTS, cautions, or Aha!s. Speak your mind now. (Even if your mind changes as you keep reading.)
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #4
Flashy Alternatives to Life as a Mere Grownup
The following substances will place your consciousness at an Astral Vibrational Frequency. That astral trippiness is what we humans call “getting high.”
- Beer
- Wine
- Alcoholic beverages, including all cocktails that deliver a punch
- CBD gummy bears, oil, etc.
- Marijuana and hashish
- Opioids
- Cocaine
- Shrooms
- Heroin
- Your mobile phone
Depending upon the substance, your awareness will go anywhere from a LOW Astral Vibrational Frequency all the way up to a HIGH Astral Vibrational Frequency. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more addictive the substance.
But are any of these astral experiences any good for you or me? If we aim to lead fully productive lives . . . Let alone explore spiritual awakening, or even move into Spiritual Enlightenment.
Hmm, have your family members and friends received the memo yet? Do they know how much worse the consequences are for us now, getting mellow with substances, now that we’re all in the Age of Awakening?
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #5.
How about a “Natural High“?
Meditation, sacred chanting, and such have been loved for millennia. Due to delivering a “natural high.” Little did spiritual seekers and religious devotees know what about that would change after the Shift.
Do you? Such knowledge is one of the specialties of this Energy Spirituality Blog.
Fact is, the Shift was a consciousness game changer. Impacting all humans.
You see, ever since the New Age Years — preceeding the Shift, lasting from 1980 until Dec. 21, 2012 — it became ever-easier to generate a natural high. For example, after that Shift, people began to experience Invisible Astral Travel and more. Increasingly, people would gently lose touch with reality. That is, no longer valuing life at Human Vibrational Frequencies.
Instead, starting with the New Age Years, many a spiritual seeker preferred to glory in being energy sensitive. Doing random energy readings. Technically speaking, many folks believed it made them superior, doing as much Energy Talk as possible.
Ooh and ah! Feeling the dream-like specialness of noticing vibes, astral vibes.
During the New Age Years, and ever since, have you known people who developed a preference for Energy Talk, rather than Human Talk? Might you have been one of them?
If so, what changed for you since you read “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening” or encountered other writings from an Energy Spirituality perspective? Please COMMENT below and share. This topic is important! Energy Talk is not just some cute little fad.
Eventually, Many Spiritual Seekers Developed a Natural High
What’s the ultimate version of this? An unhelpful consciousness lifestyle. Unhelpful for spiritual evolution, even if the human being feels better-than-human.
NOT SUPERIOR as a way of life, though! Not even if some of these consciousness lifestyles can detach a person from human experience to such an extent they feel immune to pain. Yeah, yeah, life can feel more like a dream. But is that a good thing?
If you think about the consciousness lifestyles, which have emerged since the Shift, so many of them provide “natural highs” as a way of life. And the last two on this list are dead ends. No exit until the incarnation is over!
- Spiritual Addiction Consciousness Lifestyle
- Psychological Overwork Consciousness Lifestyle
- The Astrally Compromised Consciousness Lifestyle
- Extreme Spiritual Addiction Consciousness Lifestyle
So many ways to walk around in a dreamlike state: So many ways to feel superior to other people who aren’t “with it like you”?
Now, given this context, let’s circle back to the astral allure of dreams. Because guess what?
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #6.
Astral Experiences Can Seem “Spiritual“
Except, oops! Dreams are not spiritual. How come?
Nonetheless, it’s confusing for people. Especially when our 24/7 media don’t yet acknowledge the Age of Awakening or consciousness lifestyles.
Esperientially, even the dopiest, waste-of-time astral experience can provide a welcome vacay from anything human. How about this example: It’s horrifying to consider how many good people, living right now, believe that the most spiritual thing any of us can do is to “raise our vibrations.”
Ask about that if you like, COMMENTING below. Do you know anybody who believes their job is to “Raise Earth’s vibrations“? Or simply raise their own vibrations? By all means, open up these two last links. Crazy-talk, imo. Come and share your reactions.
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #7.
So Much Hype Currently about DREAMING!
In our previous articles of this series on dreams, we’ve discussed many-and-varied hypes about dreaming. (Toward the end of this article, you’ll find a complete list of all nine previous articles in this series. This blogpost is our next to last.)
Haven’t you encountered many songs and stories about how wonderful dreaming is supposed to be?
Here’s one potent example from my childhood, courtesy of Walt Disney. I still remember every word of the first verse. Do you?
“A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep.” This link takes you to a performance by schmaltz king Michael Buble.
While if you prefer to simply read the words to this wishey-hopey song, you just got your link.
One preposterous claim after another — that’s how I rate this song now. What do you think, Blog-Buddies? Please COMMENT below. Or comment on the examples that follow:
“Whatever You Wish for, You Keep”
Have faith in your dreams, and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through.Hey, is Mr. Rainbow going to make his appearance carrying a box of chocolates, and wearing a tuxedo?
Reading this article, however, may wake you up . . . in a certain way. Wake you up from believing:
- Believing as folks did during the Age of Faith
- That noticing energy is “spiritual.”
- And especially going gaga over vibes and energy during the New Age Years
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #8.
Ever Worry about that You Don’t Dream Enough?
Dream enough in everyday life? Surely you’ve noticed, in so many movies, the “dreamy rebels” are the ones who accomplish great things.
In real life, not so much. For example, as you may know, many alcoholics are prodigious dreamers. Just maybe not so successful in reality.
In short, before you put daydreaming individuals on a pedestal? Know this:
Every time we humans do extra astral vacationing — such as daydreaming — guess what?
Later we will pay the price. We WILL pay the price.
How? By feeling detached from experience at regular Human Vibrational Frequencies.
Hey, go ahead, COMMENT and share your thoughts. Do you have stories about people you know who have grown more and more detached from life. As though that meant they were spiritual success stories?
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #9.
Since the Shift, Thought Leaders Must Value Human Life
Human life is exactly opposite to dreaming your life away.
As you can learn from “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening,” ah! Since the Shift, the formula for personal development has become this simple:
- Let regular life — at Human Vibrational Frequencies — be your default.
- Do 20 Daily Minutes of Technique Time, Tops
- And live like a good person, a human person. Not some a wannabe angel!
Sleep and dreaming will be included in your 24-hour time cycles, of course. Just don’t try dragging random dreams into your waking hours, like some fake kind of spiritual touchstone.
Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up #10
Of Course, We Still Need This Much
Every 24 hours, we humans still need the astral experiences of sleep and dreaming. But that’s real sleep and real dreaming. Not turning our waking hours into an astral fantasy.
In Conclusion
Questions, anyone? Here are some that I have for you. And if you think turnabout is fair play, ask me those questions too!
#1. Do you find crooked smiles charming? To this professional face reader, such smiles reveal — at a minimum — detachment from objective reality. At worst, you’re looking at person who may value dreams over human reality.
#2. Might dreams impress empaths more than non-empaths? (Would it matter if that empath has become a Skilled Empath?)
#3. Have you talked to any potheads lately? Any avid consumers of other recreational drugs? Do they seem to have human life “all figured out”? Impressive to you or maybe not so much.
#4. Some food purists, or other idealists, tend to demonize coffee. Or other foods with caffeine. Yet reseach has shown that coffee can improve mental focus. Meaning, help those people to pay better attention to regular life at Human Vibrational Frequencies.
#5. Are any of you familiar with Law of Attraction? The appeal isn’t really to common sense, is it? But there’s a ton of astral appeal, isn’t there? Why do you think this is so?
Energy Spirituality® on Dreams in the Age of Awakening
Article 1. What Can You Do with Your DREAMS?
Article 2. Analyzing Dreams Can Hurt You
Article 3. For Smarter Dreaming — Add Balance
Article 4. Dream Influencer Joseph. Does He Influence You?
Article 5. Ancient DREAM Practices and Their Consequences
Article 6. Psychological Dream Interpretation, Fathered by Freud
Article 7. New Age Dream Interpretation
Article 8. Interpreting Dreams Now. Meet Three Auras
9. Why Does Dreaming Feel Special?
And today’s blogpost #10. Love the Astral Allure of Dreams? Wake Up!
Painting credit for the image at the top of this post
goes to Belgian artist and Surrealist, René Magritte
Thanks for reading, everyone.
Ongoing Comment Updates
At the end of each weekly blog post, such as this one, I will add a section called Ongoing Comment Updates.
I’ll list each blog post, in alphabetical order, and add a comment number that you can use to start reading our latest comments. Hooray!
There may be MANY comments at some of these articles. But all you’ll need is the first one, so you can start exploring the freshest archeological layer. Here goes.
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