How you can help others right now

This is a moment in time when many of us are feeling helpless. 

Colleagues, friends and workers across the country are losing jobs without notice, without any cushion of even one more day’s pay. 

If you’re like many in my network,  you want to  support these talented employees in critical sectors with deep expertise who are feeling lost and panicked, but you’re not sure how. 

So, guess what. 

I have a way. 

I know something you can do right now that will not take a lot of effort on your part AND will be invaluable in the life of someone else. 

When someone who has lost their job in one of the career tracks decimated by this administration gets up the courage to  reach out to you on LinkedIn–write back. 

Even if you don’t know them. 

Even  if they’re not in your industry. 

Even if you’re not sure how you can help them. 

If you can jump on a 30-min zoom call, that would be great too. 

And if you can make intro’s to others who could open doors for them–that would make them feel like they are not alone. Their careers and their expertise have meant something. And still mean something. 

I’m always blown away by the generosity of my network and how they show up for my clients with informational interviews and coffee chats. I’m so grateful when you share your time, your wisdom and your expertise. 

Yet this ask isn’t about me or my clients per say. It’s about thinking creatively about what you have to offer the people who reach out to you–and what you can proactively do to show them that you’re available to help–even if they may worry about asking. 

I appreciate you being part of this community. 

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