Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN. Interview – Rose Rosetree

Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN. Join GAVIN and his Enlightenment Coach. Let’s celebrate.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN. It’s Age of Awakening Enlightenment
Today’s interview-style post is a rare treat. It’s such a joy when an Energy Spirituality® client moves into Spiritual Enlightenment. Each person’s story is different. Today you’ll learn about one of these stories. So spiritually inspiring. Also very human.
Maybe the best part for you of this article? It’s how you’re invited to COMMENT below. Ask GAVIN any questions you have. Of course, he hasn’t automatically become an Enlightenment Coach. (That doesn’t happen automatically. But he IS in Enlightenment.)
Blog-Buddies, you may have questions related to this interview. Or you may simply choose to COMMENT with a standalone “LIKE.”
Also, you can ask questions of Gavin’s grateful Enlightenment Coach.
So let’s have a lively exchange, Blog-Buddies. Most of you don’t know GAVIN yet. I’m so pleased to introduce him to you, and vice versa.
Newbies, here you can find some basic background regarding Age of Awakening Enlightenment? This latest link can get you started. After you read this, feel free to read what’s in comments below. More education for you — about something that you too might achieve one of these days. (Only not by accident. Don’t kid yourself.)
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #1.
Always a Surprise
Every time somebody moves into Enlightenment, it’s a wonderful surprise. A cosmic surprise, you could call it.
Yes, GAVIN Has Moved into Age of Awakening Enlightenment. As you’ll read soon, in a way he was surprised. The same for his teacher.
You could say, it took years for GAVIN to prepare for this interview. He has been my client and student for 10 years. Lately I could tell he was getting closer to crossing that consciousness threshold.
But I never predict when IT will happen. When will anybody move into the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Enlightenment? That’s a sacred mystery.
Recently, he had an appointment for a regular session. Once I did a Skilled Empath Merge, ha! I could tell. GAVIN had crossed the threshold into Spiritual Enlightenment. We devoted that session to systematic, Enlightenment Validation; just GAVIN and me and the Divine Being of his choice.
About a week later, GAVIN and I did this Enlightenment Validation INTERVIEW.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #2.
Surprised to Learn You’re in Spiritual Enlightenment?
ROSE. Were you surprised to receive Enlightenment Validation?
GAVIN: Yes and no.
Yes, because the timeline for my reaching Enlightenment was quicker than I expected it to be. “Maybe in the next few years, if I get lucky.”
No, because I’ve learned Stage 3 Energetic Literacy from studying with you, so every once in a while I read my own chakra databanks. I happened to read several of my chakra databanks on the same day as our session on Tuesday. I did that before the session.
The quality of my aura was not what I had found ever before. When I was reading my chakra databanks I was not certain that this quality was more Divine.
ROSE: Oh, and have I trained you, GAVIN, to do Enlightenment Validation on anybody? Because your idea that you would notice a “more Divine” quality is something you made up — laughing — and this really is not what is involved in discerning whether or not somebody has moved into Enlightenment.
Maybe some day I will teach you this skill set but how about now, just one thing at a time?
GAVIN: Laughing.
ROSE: I’m going to add a teaching point for everybody reading this, as well as my beloved student GAVIN.
Please do not give yourself the job of evaluating whether or not you are in Enlightenment. Please. Makes life nicer for you and also for me. Agreed?
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #3.
More Human-Type Info about Living in Enlightenment
ROSE: What would you say has changed for you lately?
GAVIN: Since our last session I’ve been feeling more joy. Like being myself.
It’s more joy in being myself! That’s really new to me. Enjoying being MYSELF!
ROSE: Can you say more about that?
GAVIN: I’ve been able to get more things done in my personal life. Previously I used to spend a lot of time thinking about the assignment, or what needed to get done, before I actually did it. But now I spend less time thinking about it and just move ahead.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #4.
A Game Changer for Gavin: Soul Retrieval and Validation
ROSE: In our session, right before you moved into Age of Awakening Enlightenment, is it okay if I tell everyone what your Energy Spirituality Healing Centerpiece was?
As I recall, you received Soul Retrieval and Validation, complete with a recording for your future use. Do you think this made any difference for you, and might have been related to your moving into Enlightenment?
GAVIN: I think it made a huge impact. Because I was feeling so much joy the next day. A lot of joy which I haven’t felt before. Ever!
I was expecting this to be temporary. 🙂
ROSE: Here’s an idea from this Enlightenment Coach, an idea for thoughtful GAVIN and for everybody else who is reading this interview.
Avoid expecting what you will feel later. Like, always!
Please, let yourself have some innocence about your personal experience. Have innocence about how your consciousness is flowing.
GAVIN, do you think that would hurt you to sprinkle in a little more innocence and stop seasoning your life experience with expectations or judgments?
GAVIN: That’s a good point. I think innocence would not hurt.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #5.
Enlightenment Eye Flash
ROSE: GAVIN, have you ever heard of Enlightenment Eye Flash?
ROSE: Do you think you might have experienced that a little bit, here or there?
GAVIN: I may have, on two occasions. The first one was, I was biking and I saw a woman crossing the street. So I slowed down my bike to let her pass.
I knew she was looking at me and I was kind of looking in her direction too. Then she turned toward me and said, “Thank you.”
Her voice was so clear and soft. I knew she was appreciating, she wasn’t being sarcastic.
I bike around the city a lot and nobody before has ever stopped to thank me.
ROSE: This does seem a little related to your noticing Enlightenment Eye Flash, but let me bring some clarity. For you and also for every reading here.
More Clarity about Enlightenment Eye Flash
A fascinating thing to notice in people you encounter, especially when you have recently moved into Enlightenment: Take a couple of seconds to look directly at the other person’s eyes. You don’t “kind of look in the direction of the other person’s eyes.” And you aren’t looking for clues in what that person does or doesn’t say.
Enlightenment Eye Flash — what does that name mean, anyway? It refers to the distinctive, unique, reaction some people may have when they are in your physical presence. This happens only when you’re in your orientation phase of living in Enlightenment, whether Age of Awakening Enlightenment or Traditional Enlightenment.
Let’s Get Even More Practical About This
How can you tell if somebody walking toward you is doing Enlightenment Eye Flash? When you’re among other people, briefly look each person in the eye. Do this for a few weeks, at least. Because sometimes you will see that person’s eyes open up.
What happens next — I call it a flash, because it is fleeting. My personal term for this is “Seeing the eyes open up within the other person’s eye.”
To be a little more metaphysical about it, I’ll give the example of hypothetical Gladys. During her waking hours, who’s in charge of her noticing people? Gladys’ default is for her conscious mind to be in charge. We could say, her human personality for this lifetime. That’s in charge.
Only deep within each of us is our eternal soul. It’s always there, even if not actively doing anything. Akin to the fingerprint formation on your right index finger. It’s just there.
Spiritually, at this time on Earth, it’s such an extraordinary thing to be in the presence of another human being who’s in Spiritual Enlightenment. For a split second it’s as though the eternal soul within Gladys wakes up. Takes charge. Has a good look at you. Then Gladys’ eternal soul returns to being hidden, being way in the background.
Strangers, like random people you pass on the street: They wake up in this way and become alert. That’s what you notice.
GAVIN (and other Blog-Buddies), don’t sidetrack yourself by caring about how people treat you, as in the example you gave earlier. Now you know more about this mysterious thing. To summarize:
Basically, Enlightenment Eye Flash is a way that other people react to you during your orientation phase of Enlightenment.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #6.
Name Alignment® Was Also Big Deal for GAVIN
ROSE: GAVIN, you are one of a small number of Energy Spirituality clients who have agreed to explore the system of Name Alignment®, so you can decide if you’d like to receive a name of power.
I tell everyone I can, if you are going to do ONE thing to move faster toward Enlightenment, that would be Name Alignment. It’s that powerful.
Not everybody for whom I’ve validated Enlightenment has done it. Nonetheless, if I were a spiritual seeker, I would consider this next fact pretty noteworthy:
Almost every client of mine who has done Name Alignment®, hey! That person has — in a smallish number of years — moved into Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
Now you are one of these people, GAVIN. Anything to say about that?
GAVIN: Name Alignment was a big deal for me. It was huge, huge, huge.
It was so powerful for me because I am a first generation Japanese-American in my family of immigrants here. My first and last names were Japanese. People didn’t know how to pronounce my name, or remember it. This made it harder for me to fit in.
ROSE: This is a good start, GAVIN. A name in the language of your current country is good, but that isn’t necessarily a name of power that expresses your soul. A name with High Truth Value for you!
So much more benefit comes to you, doing Name Alignment. You wind up with a name that you have chosen — along with some Divine cocreation, and help from the founder of Energy Spirituality. You legally change your name to something that beautifully fits who you are as an individual.
Anything else you can say on this topic, GAVIN?
GAVIN: I like my name now. I like how it feels when I say it to people. I don’t have the yuckiness of my previous name.
With my current name I feel I can tell people, “I’m here.” So my name does not contradict who I feel like inside.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #7.
One Way That GAVIN Is a 1st for Rose
ROSE: Think about this. You have a Japanese background, can speak the language, and you have lived for some years in Japan.
You may also know that I was sponsored by the VOICE seminar company. 15 times! Altogether spending a year of my life in Japan, and facilitating so many sessions for Japanese clients that I broke their 28-year record for VOICE’S most popular session facilitator.
I really-really love my Japanese students and clients. Well, you are the first sort-of Japanese client to actually move into Enlightenment. So that is a very big deal to me.
Is it any kind of biggish deal to you?
GAVIN: For me it is such an honor to be your student, Rose. Especially because of the Japanese cultural understanding that you have, and the East-Meets-West perspective where you show me and guide me in some of the more Western social skills.
And I feel so grateful and lucky to have found you.
ROSE: Arigato gozae mas! Thanks.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #8.
GAVIN’S History, Seeking Enlightenment
ROSE: Please tell our readers, how did you learn about Energy Spirituality in the first place?
GAVIN: The first book of yours that I bought was a book on how to cut a cord of attachment.
ROSE: I’m so glad that book helped you. Since the Age of Awakening, I have stopped selling any of my books on the system of 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. Sigh!
Since that topic has come up, here’s the deal. That skill set works beautifully, but… A serious caution has arisen since the Shift. As all of you Blog-Buddies, and GAVIN, may know, many people now are living in the Consciousness Lifestyle of Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
Just like the research I published last week for the Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST, where somebody nominated a crazy popular author named James Patterson. (See Comments #1145 – 1165.)
Back to the caution, this is a fairly common problem. As a result, I have cocreated a more complex procedure for cutting a cord of attachment to such a person. Although it is fine to facilitate cuttng cords of attachment when having professional-level skills of Energy Spirituality, I no longer recommend that people use that book.
Ask about that if you like, Blog-Buddies. Also, if you COMMENT on this topic below, I can tell you about the one eBook that I still make available on cutting cords of attachment: what and why.
Also, COMMENT, ask, and I will let you know which Energy Spirituality book I do recommend. instead. My first choice.
I am hopeful that some day, the nonsense of people living as puppets run by opportunistic astral entities — that nonsense will be over. Then it will be fine to use what I’ve published for self-help to cut cords of attachment permanently. But, today, using anybody’s skill set for cutting cords of attachment isn’t fine for now, or the foreseeable future.
Still, GAVIN, I’m glad that book got you started with Energy Spirituality, back in the day.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #9.
How GAVIN’S Personal Sessions Began with Rose
ROSE: Why did you start having your first personal session of Energy Spirituality? Later, why did you continue having sessions from time to time?
GAVIN: I started having sessions with you starting in 2015. I was reading the blog. Once you wrote about how smoking marijuana deposits STUFF in your aura.
When I first read that I was questioning whether that statement was true. Regardless, I didn’t smoke pot because of that. Even when pot was readily available, I worried about that cumulative damage. So I stuck with not smoking marijuana and it raised curiosity Rose, about you and your work.
Why I continued? I saw a subtle change within me as I continued having sessions. This was hard to assess early on, compared to more recent sessions. More recently, I was very aware of the impact of each session.
ROSE: More clarity in your aura, and less subconscious and energetic STUFF within you — all that does make it easier to grow.
GAVIN: Yes, to grow and to notice the impact.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN – Age of Awakening Enlightenment #10.
About Being “Awakened”
ROSE: Many people don’t believe there is such a thing as Spiritual Enlightenment, either kind – whether learning about Traditional Enlightenment or Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Other people believe in being “awakened.” They think that’s the ultimate. (I sure don’t.)
As someone who has now received Enlightenment Validation for living in Age of Awakening Enlightenment, what do you think about any of that?
GAVIN: It’s been 10 days for me, in this new consciousness lifestyle, and my experience so far has been a deeper understanding of the truth. A deeper understanding of that kind of Spiritual Enlightenment you call “Age of Awakening Enlightenment.”
I have come to experience that it is actually valid. Back in 2016, I knew at a distance that it was valid because I met people in your in-person workshops, people who had received Enlightenment Validation from you, and all of them were in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
People with that consciousness lifestyle — I saw them and how they were functioning. How they were relating to people. How they spoke up for themselves. How much joy they seemed to carry and express.
Enlightenment Validation for GAVIN, Age of Awakening Enlightenment #11
GAVIN’S Words to the Wise
ROSE: And how about now, when you have become one of the people in Age of Awakening Enlightenment? Is there anything you’d like to tell your readers here?
GAVIN: Some people may have certain misunderstandings about what it is like to live in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
That doesn’t mean Enlightenment SHOWS to other people. It’s a consciousness lifestyle, not like something special everybody would notice.
About what you teach, you are very specific about some things that can help us move faster toward Enlightenment: Like doing 20 daily minutes of Technique Time, not more and not less. It makes a difference to follow up and to keep continuing over time, one day at a time.
Tomorrow is a new day. Repeat.
Gaining Enlightenment takes time. Your persistence will reward you.
In Conclusion
Your turn now, Blog-Buddies. And thanks for reading, everyone.
COMMENT below with your congratulations, your stories.
And meanwhile, everybody, have some virtual cake. Let’s celebrate Gavin.

Happy Enlightenment Validation to GAVIN. Happy Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
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