An Easy 3 Minute Grounding Guided Meditation — Amanda Linette Meder

3 Minute Grounding Guided Meditation

Inhale… and exhale. 

Inhale… and exhale. 

Inhale… and exhale.

Bring your attention to your core, your torso. 

Start to imagine the seedling of a tree growing in your belly. As you breathe in and out, this seed grows into a sapling, then into a small tree, then into a large tree. Visualize what type of tree you have growing inside you.

Visualize this tree filling your energy field and its canopy expanding past your crown.

Bring your attention down your thighs, your knees, your shins and to your feet. Imagine this tree’s roots beginning to grow from your feet.

Notice the roots growing outward along the floor beneath you, giving you some stability. 

Also notice some of the roots growing straight down into the earth, like a taproot. 

The roots now travel into the earth, growing past the floor beneath you, down into the foundation of the building you’re in, and they start to pierce into the earth, going down and down until they reach bedrock and ultimately they reach groundwater.

Now visualize these tree roots sucking up the ground water and carrying it back up through the bedrock, the soil, the foundation beneath you and the floor beneath you.

Imagine the water is now flowing to the roots beneath your feet, feeding the surface roots, so they can expand. Now visualize the water now flowing up your shins, your knees, your thighs and into your hips.

This water is now nourishing the seed that originally grew this tree, and it begins to flow into your tree’s trunk, making it thicker, sturdier and wider. 

Breathing in and out, the water now flows to the branches, allowing the leaves, the tree canopy and the crown to expand.

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